Gudbrandsdalsmusea makes the past come alive.

Gudbrandsdalsmusea makes the past come alive.

Gudbrandsdalsmusea gjer historie og kulturarv levande gjennom utstillingar og arkiv, friluftsmuseum og besøkssentre frå Ringebu og nordover i Gudbrandsdalen. Vi tek vare på hus, tradisjonar, reiskap, instrument, bilete, brev, musikk og anna verdifullt frå tidlegare tider.

Vern gjennom bruk er vår berande strategi – vi skal ta kulturarven ut til folk flest med eit auga både på samtid og framtid i Gudbrandsdalen.

22. Jun


22. Jun


04. Jul


Lesja Open Air museum

Presthaugen - Lom open air museum

Lesja Open Air museum

Innlandsarkivet avdeling Dombås

16 Sep - 09 Oct


24 Jun - 10 Sep

Presthaugen - Lom open air museum

22 Jun - 15 Sep

The stave church exhibition, Ringebu

24 Jun - 03 Sep


15 Jun - 08 Sep

Lesja Open Air museum

Feel the traditions

In the summer time Lesja bygdemuseum is buzzing with life, just like a traditional farmstead in the 18th century. Try a sample of some traditional bakes like lefse, rømmebrød or flatbread and get friendly with our cozy lambs.

Presthaugen - Lom open air museum

Norway's most impressive Stabbur

Like a hidden treasure, in the forrest behind Norway’s biggest stabbur, you find Presthaugen, with buildings from the 17th, 18th and 19th century.

Jutulheimen - Vågå bygdamuseum

House on the hill

Enjoy an enchanting view og Vågå between beautiful timber houses from the 18th century.

Opplands Archive

Books, pictures, sheet music and archives, immerse yourself in one of our archive departments and discover new sides of our resent past. Skilled archivists are there to help you on your way to more knowledge about Gudbrandsdalens cultural heritage.