Visitor centers

The Norwegian mountain center

Get tips for your mountain hike, buy the maps you need and sit down by the fire before you visit the mountains. The Norwegian Mountain Center is a visitor center for the national parks Jotunheimen, Reinheimen and Breheimen.

Get to know the birds and animals in the mountains better in our new exhibition. See archaeological findings from the national parks surrounding us: Until recently covered by ice and snow, now exhibited in our exhibition. 

Visit us together with your family. See the stars in the cave, get to know the area with the interactive map, or sit by the fire.

Gudbrandsdal War Collection

The heavy fighting that took place in Gudbrandsdalen forms the background to the Gudbrandsdal War Museum. The museum has a unique collection relating to World War II, the occupation and the defence of Gudbrandsdalen.

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Gudbrandsdal War collection is situated in an old barn in the center of Kvam. Through items, pictures, maps and exhibihions you can experience how different aspects of war makes an impact on people and their souroundings. Get closer to the people who fought and lived through the second world war in Gudbrandsdalen by listening in on authentical audio recordings and se original items used in the war. The museum also has an exhibition about "Kess- a story form Grini". Prisoner 9149 were activ in the resistance movment during the war. She was captured and spent time at the prisoner camp Grini, here she spent here time making miniatur items. Learn more about her story and see the items she made.

Next to the museum you find a memorial park comemorating civilian and military losses during the second world war.

Dale-Gudbrands Gard

Hundorp and Dale-Gudbrands Gard has an important place in both the county's and Norway's history. The events that took place here played an important part in the Christianisation of Norway. Later it has served as a meeting place for different viewpoints and cultures.

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Dale-Gudbrands gard, Hundorp is Oppland county's millenium memorial site. The landscape around Dale-Gudbrands Gard is scatterd with grave mounds and burial sites. Take an audio tour a long the cultural trail and learn more about historical events that has played an imortant part in shaping the landscape.

Through history the farm has been a natural resting place for pilegrims on their way to Nidaros. To day pilegrims are still able to spend the night, get information or just have a chat and a cup of cofee. On site there is a consecratet chapell for quiet and contemplation.

Our farm shop "Gardsbutikken" is situated in the office building. Here you can buy local produce, hand crafted items and souveniers.

We give guided tours on request, please contact us for further information.


A pilgrimage in modern time is not just about the goal, it is just as much about the road there. The Saint Olav way is the historic rout to Trondheim used since 1032 AD. Walk through culturalandscp and enjoy a scenic view of Gudbrandsdalen. Make a stop at Pilgrimssenteret Dale-Gudbrands Gard for guidens on the tour, a warm bed or just a cup of cofee and a chat.

Pilegrimssenteret Dale-Gudbrandsgard is responsible for the saint Olav's way between Lillehammer and Nord-Sel. Here you can get information about the pat, activeties and atractions along the way, places to stay and other jusefull information. The pilegrim center offers simple accomodation. Find out more on Pilegrimssenter Dale-Gudbrand

Per Gunnar Hagelien is CEO at the Pilegrim center Dale-Gudbrands gard and his office is situated in the first building you see when you enter the farm area. Be updated on current events on our facebook page. Pilegrimsleden has its own web site you find it at

The stave church exhibition, Ringebu

Ringebu stave churche is one of only 28 left. In the Middel Ages it is estimated that Norway had around 1000 stave churches. The 28 stave churches still standing tells the story of a different time and hints about the rich cultural heritage in Norway. 

Ringebu Stave church buildt around 1220 have playd an important roll in the life of people living in Ringebu. The church got its current form around 1630, and have been through several restaurations since then.

The stave church exhibition tells the tale of the church building and the people using it through changing times. In 1980-1981 an  arcaheological excavation ws conducted on the site. Findings from the digg is on display in the exhibition.

Ringebu prestegard houses an art gallery and a beautiful garden, find out more at Ringebuprestegard.

Lom stave church center

Lom Stave Church is one of only 28 left. In the Middel Ages it is estimated that Norway had around 1000 stave churches. The 28 stave churches still standing tells the story of a different time and hints about the rich cultural heritage in Norway.

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Lom Stave Church buildt around 1220 have playd an important roll in the life of people living in Ringebu. The church got its current form around 1663, the church have been through several restaurations since then, the last one taking place in 1973.

The exhibition recounts the 800-year history of Lom stave church. The exhibition includes unique original artefacts, both from the church and from exavations under the floor of the church.

Otta Mining Center

Soapstone, granite and copper have been mined in Gudbrandsdalen for a long time. Soapstone has been mined right back to the Viking Age. Otta mining center shows the developement of this industry and its importance to the area. Models, photos and original artefact are displayd in the exhibitions.

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Einbustugu er barndomsheimen til Sigurd Einbu - hobbyastronom, lærar og gardbrukar. Einbu vart eit internasjonalt anerkjent namn innan astronomi etter oppdaginga av Nova Geminorum II i 1912. Han fekk gode kontaktar ved universitetet i Oslo, noko som ga tilgang til betre utstyr og litteratur. Einbu skreiv fleire bøker om sine oppdagingar. Både bøkene og utstyret han nytta er utstilt på Einbustugu.

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Her finn du Einbustugu

Einbustugu ligg på toppen av Dombåshaugen kring 400 meter vest for Dombås kyrkje. Følg stien frå parkeringsplassen bak kyrkja til Dombåshaugen. Herifrå er det 150 meter langs Dombåshaugen fram til Einbustugu.

GPS (WGS 84): N 62¨ 4.459', E 9¨ 6.988'


Bygningsvernrådgjeving er ein del av eit nettverk der alle regionmusea har sin rådgjevingsteneste saman med fylkeskonservator. Til saman er dette eit unikt tilbod og ein samling av ulik spisskompetanse i Oppland. Den lokale spisskompetanse er innafor antikvarisk arbeid på gamle hus i Gudbrandsdalen, byggeskikk og handsverkstradisjonar. Vi samarbeider mykje med forvaltning, i tillegg til praktisk erfaring med gamle hus og handverk. Kan bistå i ulik planlegging for eksempel ny bruk av gamle hus eller tilpasning av nye bygningar i gardsmiljø.

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Henvendingar til bygningsvernrådgjevar Håvard Syse.

Etter avtale.


Rådgjevar 550 kr/t. 8 timar gratis til rådvelde for eigarar av gamle hus. Dette inkluderer synfaring og hjelp med eventuell søknad om tilskot.


Bygningsvernrådgjevar Håvard Syse


Lesja Bygdemuseum 2667 Lesja tlf: 45 60 53 47 epost:

The Norwegian Reindeer trail

The Norwegian Reindeer takes you on amazing journey from alpine landscape trough picturesque mountain villages and spectacular mountain crossings, too romantic village museums and the world renown design icon Viewpoint Snøhetta.

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Ever since the ice receded from the northern parts of Scandinavian, people have exploited resources found in the mountains in Gudbrandsdalen. There is a long standing tradition of hunting Reindeer and utilizing the animal for food, tools and trading in Gudbrandsdalen. Explore the history of reindeer hunting and how it is still alive among people living in Gudbrandsdalen today along the Norwegian Reindeer trail.

In Lom at the Norwegian mountain center you can explore how people have made use of the mountains for recreation and gathering food for survival. See  archaeological findings from the national parks surrounding us and until recently covered by ice

On the journey from Lom to Lesja you travel by the mountain road Slådalsvegen. On the climb from Vågå up the mountainside you vill pass through a spectacular cultural landscape with small summer dairy farms, called seter in Norwegian. When you start on the descend towards Lesja you pass through a small information stop next to Fauttjønn. Here you can learn more about the in situ trapping construction used for capturing Reindeer in early medieval times.

In Lesja you can stop at Lesja open air museum with old timbered buildings situated around an open courtyard. The exhibition Villreingjegarane kjem (The Reindeer hunters arrive) tells the story of reindeer hunting through the past 50.000 years. Meet the people behind the archaeological findings, hear stories on how they utilized the reindeer for survival and sosial accepted and growth. Learn more about how reindeer hunting today is a central part of the modern society and life in Lesja.

From Lesja the trail continues to Dombås and then up towards Dovrefjell. At Hjerkinn you find The Norwegian Wild Reindeer center and View point Snøhetta. During the summer months you can explore how Reindeer, falcons and artic fox have been important means for economic growth and survival in the mountain area surrounding Dovrefjell.

1.5 km from the parking next to The Norwegian Wild Reindeer center you find View point Snøhetta. The award winning mountain pavilion overlooks the spectacular Dovrefjell mountains. It is a 20 minute walk from the car park to the pavilion. Along the pat you vil learn more about Dovrefjell and the wildlife in the area.