The Norwegian mountain center

Get tips for your mountain hike, buy the maps you need and sit down by the fire before you visit the mountains. The Norwegian Mountain Center is a visitor center for the national parks Jotunheimen, Reinheimen and Breheimen.

Presthaugen - Lom open air museum

Welcome to The Norwegian mountain center

Get to know the birds and animals in the mountains better in our new exhibition. See archaeological findings from the national parks surrounding us: Until recently covered by ice and snow, now exhibited in our exhibition. 

Visit us together with your family. See the stars in the cave, get to know the area with the interactive map, or sit by the fire.

Vi tek gjerne i mot grupper og bedrifter - ta kontakt med oss for å avtale besøk.



612 11 600


Norsk fjellsenter, Brubakken 2, 2686 Lom